CDL Photo Archive / lines - sheet

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View of customer plant showing six PS x 66" wide production lines
Conveyor and roll stack for CDL / Crown thick sheet embossing line
CDL / Crown 5000 PPH thick sheet (1/4" to 1 1/2") composite sheet line
Godet on polypropylene strapping tape production line
CDL / Crown print grade polystyrene production line
CDL / Crown PET line for glazing grade product
10" pull rolls on heavy gauge sheet stack assembly
Complete polypropylene strapping line
Chill roll stand with 30" x 86" roll assembly
Chill section of PET strapping line
CDL / Crown thick sheet roll stand during testing with 36" center roll and individual roll drives
CDL / Crown heavy gauge sheet die
Calibration section for thick sheet production line
Side view of CDL patented calibration unit
Roll stand for optical grade acrylic and polycarbonate
CDL / Crown glazing grade PET production line
CDL / Crown glazing grade PET production line
CDL / Crown thick sheet line during installation
CDL / Crown high output polycarbonate sheet line with 36" dia center roll
Co-extrusion sheet line during in-plant testing
CDL 86 inch rubber and polyethelene sheet extrusion line (5000PPH)
CDL installation of nylon board production line
Top view of CDL 1000HP rubber and PE sheet line

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